Washington to Either Los Angeles or San Francisco for only $61 ONE-WAY

Flight deals from Washington  DC to either Los Angeles or San Francisco | Secret Flying
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Fly from Washington DC to either Los Angeles or San Francisco for only $61 one-way with Virgin America.


It consists of a clever little trick called “Hidden City” ticketing.
The actual flight is IAD-LAX-DAL or IAD-SFO-DAL. However, nothing is stopping you from exiting the airport at LAX or SFO during your layover.
If you searched for a direct IAD-LAX or IAD-SFO flight, you will find fares more than double the price!!


We strongly recommend you do NOT check-in any bags. Virgin America will not assist you in abandoning the route half-way.
This is best done when you only have a carry-on bag.


Washington DC, USA


Los Angeles/San Francisco, USA


Availability from May to June 2015


Example dates:

Washington DC – Los Angeles
30th May
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Jun


Washington DC – San Francisco
2nd, 4th Jun


Virgin America




Search one-way from Washington to Dallas:




Select the Virgin America flight with 1 Stop which connects in either Los Angeles or San Francisco:


Find a hotel to go with your flight to
Los Angeles


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