Vancouver to Toronto for only $108 Cad ONE-WAY

Flight deals from Vancouver to Toronto | Secret Flying
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Fly non-stop from Vancouver to Toronto for only $108 CAD one-way!!


It consists of a clever little trick called “Hidden City” ticketing.
The actual flight is Vancouver – Toronto – Kelowna. However, nothing is stopping you from exiting the airport at Toronto during your layover.
If you searched for a direct flight from Vancouver to Toronto you will find fares so much more expensive!


We strongly recommend you do NOT check-in any bags. WestJet will not assist you in abandoning the route half-way.
This is best done when you only have a carry-on bag.


Vancouver, Canada


Toronto, Canada


Availability from May to December 2016

Example dates:
7th May


There are many more dates for $132 CAD:
14th May
25th Jun
17th, 27th Sep

12th, 22nd Oct
1st, 16th, 26th Nov
6th Dec

and more…






Allow the search to complete, then proceed to book with “Tripsta”.

Scroll down the Momondo flight list and find the WestJet flight that has a layover in Toronto:



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