2 IN 1 TRIP: Cologne, Germany to Cape Town, South Africa & Windhoek, Namibia for only €473 roundtrip

Flight deals from 1 trip...Fly from Cologne, Germany to Cape Town, South Africa and Windhoek, Namibia | Secret Flying
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2 in 1 trip…
Fly from Cologne, Germany to Cape Town, South Africa and Windhoek, Namibia for only €473 roundtrip.


Please note, this itinerary consists of purchasing 3 separate one-way tickets: Cologne to Cape Town, Cape Town to Windhoek and Windhoek to Cologne.


Cologne, Germany


Cape Town, South Africa
Windhoek, Namibia


Cologne, Germany


Limited availability from April to May 2018

Example dates:


Cologne – Cape Town: €199
22nd Apr


Cape Town – Windhoek: €98
29th Apr


Windhoek – Cologne: €176
3rd May

possibly more…




Air Namibia




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Cape Town