2 IN 1 TRIP: Dusseldorf or Berlin, Germany to the Seychelles & Mauritius for only €481 roundtrip

Flight deals from Dusseldorf or Berlin, Germany to the Seychelles and Mauritius | Secret Flying
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2 in 1 trip…
Cheap flights from Dusseldorf or Berlin, Germany to the Seychelles and Mauritius for only €481 roundtrip.


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Dusseldorf/Berlin, Germany


Mahe, Seychelles
Port Louis, Mauritius


Dusseldorf/Berlin, Germany


Limited availability from June to July 2017

Example dates:


Rome – Port Louis
30th Jun – 7th-9th Jul


Milan – Port Louis
30th Jun – 7th-9th Jul

possibly more…




Air Seychelles




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