Chinese tourists detained over Nazi salute outside Reichstag building in Berlin

Chinese tourists detained over Nazi salute outside Reichstag building in Berlin | Secret Flying

Two Chinese tourists were detained for making the Hitler salute for photos in front of the Reichstag parliament building in Berlin, Germany.


On Saturday, German police arrested two Chinese tourists who took pictures of themselves giving the straight-armed Hitler salute outside the Reichstag building in Berlin.


Criminal proceedings have started against the pair who have been released on bail at €500 each.


Under Germany’s strict laws on Hitler and Nazi symbols, convictions can carry a fine or a prison sentence of up to three years.


Symbols and imagery can only be used for educational purposes or historical research.


The Reichstag building itself represents a significant part of German history, as its burning in 1933 served as a trigger point for the Nazi regime to launch a crackdown on “enemies of the state.”


The growing efforts by countries to attract Chinese tourists have been met with complaints of a clash in cultures and common courtesy from locals.


In 2013, a 15-year-old Chinese tourist was tracked down after carving his own hieroglyphics on the wall of a 3,500-year-old temple in Luxor, Egypt. It read: “Ding Jinhao was here.”