Italian cities to many Canadian or US cities from only €259 roundtrip

Flight deals from Venice, Milan or Rome, Italy to many Canadian or US cities | Secret Flying
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Cheap flights from Venice, Milan or Rome, Italy to many Canadian or US cities from only €259 roundtrip with Star Alliance airlines.


There are far too many routes for us to find example dates for.
Simply use Google Flights to find a working date, then click the GO TO DEAL button below and proceed to book with Momondo.


Venice/Milan/Rome, Italy


Montreal/Toronto/Edmonton/Vancouver/Calgary, Canada
Los Angeles/San Jose/San Francisco/San Diego/Bozeman/Las Vegas/Idaho Falls/Boise/Denver/Salt Lake City/Seattle/Phoenix/Houston/Honolulu, USA


Venice/Milan/Rome, Italy


Availability from April 2018 to February 2019 (excluding Summer/Christmas/New Year)


There are far too many routes for us to find example dates for.
Simply use Google Flights to find a working date, then click the GO TO DEAL button below and proceed to book with Momondo.


Various cities


United Airlines
Swiss International Air Lines




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