SUMMER: Miami to the Bahamian islands of Bimini for only $68 one-way (or $178 roundtrip)

Flight deals from Miami to the Bahamian islands of Bimini | Secret Flying
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Summer flights from Miami to the Bahamian islands of Bimini for only $68 one-way.

Or fly roundtrip for only $178.


Please note, to get the roundtrip price of $178 you must book two separate one-way tickets (see image below).


Miami, USA


Bimini, Bahamas


Miami, USA


Availability from April to October 2017

Example dates:


Miami – Bimini: $68
1st, 7th, 15th, 21st, 29th May
4th, 12th, 18th, 26th Jun
2nd, 10th, 16th, 24th, 30th Jul
7th, 13th, 21st, 27th Aug
4th, 10th, 18th, 24th Sep
2nd, 8th, 16th, 22nd, 30th Oct


Bimini – Miami: $110
7th, 13th, 21st, 27th Apr
5th, 11th, 19th, 25th May
2nd, 8th, 16th, 22nd, 30th Jun
6th, 14th, 20th, 28th Jul
3rd, 11th, 17th, 25th, 31st Aug
8th, 14th, 22nd, 28th Sep
6th, 12th, 20th, 26th Oct

and more…




Silver Airways




Complete the search box with the example dates listed above:



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