Carrot-addicted kangaroos attacking tourists near Sydney

Carrot-addicted kangaroos attacking tourists near Sydney | Secret Flying

Visitors have been warned not to feed kangaroos at a tourist spot near Sydney, Australia following a string of vicious attacks by the animals.


Tourists have been warned not to feed kangaroos in a town less than a two-hour train ride from Sydney, following a string of attacks by the animals.


Tourist operators say the attacks have occurred after visitors attempt to feed the native animals inappropriate food such as carrots and corn chips, as well as McDonald’s takeaway.


Every week, thousands of people visit the unlikely tourist destination of Morisset Hospital in southern Lake Macquarie, where big mobs of kangaroos can always be found.



Speaking to ABC News, Shane Lewis, a tourist shuttle bus driver, said: “There are people getting kicked and scratched at least every day. One lady got 17 stitches in her face from her eye to her chin.”


An animal keeper at the Australian Reptile Park told the news agency that the kangaroos have become bolder and more aggressive after being given carrots every day.


Kangaroos are grazers, with digestive systems similar to cows.


Feeding the animal fruit or vegetables could cause stomach ulcers and inhibit the digestion of their proper diet.