Frequent flyers could face extra tax under plans to cut emissions

Frequent flyers could face extra tax under plans to cut emissions | Secret Flying

Frequent flyers may face higher taxes to help tackle aviation emissions.


The British government have been advised that frequent flyers should face higher taxes to help tackle aviation emissions.


Data shows that 70% of UK flights are made by 15% of the population, with 57% not flying abroad at all.


The Committee on Climate Change says aviation will likely be the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK by 2050.


“If this is represented in the right way, it should not be unpopular and the vast majority of people need not be very affected,” said Chris Stark, chief executive of the CCC.


The government says it will study the recommendations.


Despite improvements in aircraft fuel efficiency and new technologies which will reduce emissions substantially, this will not be enough to reduce emissions in line with a net-zero target because of the projected rise in flying, according to the committee.


Mr Stark claims that flying at present is “very skewed” towards a small number of people.


The advice comes as the UK government has given green light to a new runway at Heathrow Airport.


Strangely enough, the committee stopped short of advising against the new Heathrow runway.


Heathrow’s third runway will assist towards expanding the airport by 50% by 2050.