Introducing the motarised riding suitcase…for adults

Introducing the motarised riding suitcase…for adults | Secret Flying

Motorised riding suitcases for adults are now a reality, with speeds of up to 8 mph.


Are you tired of long walks in airports whilst carrying your luggage? Well, your problems are solved. You can now pre-order a motorised suitcase and let your luggage carry you. The Modobag, as it is called, is a fully functional suitcase that features a steering pole and foot rests. And at 8 mph, it is also quite nippy.


The electric bag takes one hour to fully charge and covers six miles on a full battery. It also comes with a USB port to charge your phone whilst on the go. Despite the mechanics hidden in the suitcase, the team managed to retain 85% of the interior for packing.kimmel modobag


The suitcase was designed by Chicago-based entrepreneur Kevin O’Donnell. He said: “Modobag is one of the most innovative and exciting advancements to hit the travel industry since rolling suitcases were introduced in the 1970’s.  I have test driven the Modobag at heavily-trafficked airports, including Chicago O’Hare, JFK and LaGuardia.”


Although the Modobag got approval from Big Bang Theory star Kaley Cuoco and talk show host, Jimmy Kimmel, others have panned it. One critic claimed it is “lazy” and another pointed out that “unless you travel at 2am what airport has that much free room?” It has also been criticised for creating an unnecessary hazard for fellow travellers.


You can pre-order it now (for January 2017) on the crowdfunding website IndieGoGo for $1095 USD.