Munich (Memmingen), Germany to Kutaisi, Georgia for only €37 roundtrip (members only)

Flight deals from flights from Munich (Memmingen), Germany to Kutaisi, Georgia | Secret Flying
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Cheap flights from Munich (Memmingen), Germany to Kutaisi, Georgia for only €37 roundtrip.


Please note, to get the advertised price you must be a member of the Wizz Discount Club.


Munich, Germany


Kutaisi, Georgia


Munich, Germany


Availability from November 2018 to January 2019


The Wizz Air website allows you to view prices for the whole month so there is no need for a list of example dates from us.The Wizz Air website allows you to view prices for the whole month so there is no need for a list of example dates from us.




Wizz Air




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