Pranksters delay American Airlines flight.
Two women were kicked off an American Airlines flight after they attempted a prank for their YouTube channel.
According to reports, one women was booked in first class, while her friend was booked in economy on the Dallas to Miami flight.
Prior to take off, the economy class passenger went to the first class cabin and hid underneath her friend’s seat.
When the flight attendants did their final passenger count as the plane began to taxi away from the gate, they discovered a passenger was missing from the economy cabin.
After initially not responding to an announcement to identify herself, the captain announced it was a security issue and that the plane would not take off unless she was found.
At this point, the woman hiding under the seat reportedly began screaming saying she was being disrespected and that the plane must take off as she had a child waiting for her in Miami.
The two women were eventually removed from the flight.
Not only was the flight delayed due to the pranksters, but earlier there was a 90-minute delay after a catering truck bumped into the plane’s cargo door.
The delays led to another passenger becoming irate, yelling at cabin crew. He was also removed from the flight.
In total the flight ran nearly three hours late.