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Business ClassΒ flights from many US cities to Doha, Qatar from only $1482 roundtrip with Air Canada.
There are far too many routes for us to find example dates for.
Simply use Google Flights to find a working date, then click the GO TO DEAL button below and proceed to book with Skyscanner.
Charlotte/Nashville/Charlottesville/Des Moines/Milwaukee/New York/Philadelphia/Providence/Washington DC/Hartford/Norfolk/Pittsburgh/Raleigh/St. Louis/Cleveland/Indianapolis/Richmond/Syracuse, USA
Doha, Qatar
(same as DEPART)
Availability fromΒ March to September 2022
Charlotte – Doha: $1482
1st-9th Apr
15th-23rd Apr
22nd-30th Apr
and more…
There are far too many routes for us to find example dates for, so we have provided example dates for the cheapest route we could find.
Simply use Google Flights to find a working date, then click the GO TO DEAL button below and proceed to book with Skyscanner.
Air Canada
United Airlines