FIFA WORLD CUP 2022: European cities to Doha, Qatar from only €294 roundtrip (Dec dates)

Flight deals from European cities to Doha, Qatar | Secret Flying
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FIFA World Cup 2022
Cheap flights from European cities to Doha, Qatar from only €294 roundtrip with Lufthansa.


The FIFA World Cup 2022 will take place in Qatar from 20th November to 18th December.


Depart from:
Stockholm: €294
Paris: €298
Tallinn: €315
Vilnius: €336
Prague: €358
Gdansk: €375
Copenhagen: €387
London: £349


Stockholm, Sweden
Paris, France
Tallinn, Estonia
Vilnius, Lithuania
Prague, Czech Republic
Gdansk, Poland
Copenhagen, Denmark
London, UK


Doha, Qatar


Stockholm, Sweden
Paris, France
Tallinn, Estonia
Vilnius, Lithuania
Prague, Czech Republic
Gdansk, Poland
Copenhagen, Denmark
London, UK


Limited availability in December 2022

Example dates:


Stockholm – Doha: €294
2nd-9th Dec


Paris – Doha: €298
2nd-9th Dec


Tallinn – Doha: €315
2nd-9th Dec


Vilnius – Doha: €336
2nd-9th Dec


Prague – Doha: €358
2nd-9th Dec


Gdansk – Doha: €375
2nd-9th Dec


Copenhagen – Doha: €387
2nd-9th Dec


London – Doha: £349
2nd-9th Dec

possibly more…








Cheap flights from European cities to Doha, Qatar from only €294 roundtrip with Lufthansa. Flight deal ticket image.

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