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Amazingly cheap one-way flights from many European cities to Bangkok, Thailand from only €105.
Oslo, Norway: €105
Stockholm, Sweden: €108
Copenhagen, Denmark: €130
Berlin, Germany: €145
Helsinki, Finland: €153
Bergen, Norway: €169
Stavanger, Norway: €172
Trondheim, Norway: €172
Oslo/Bergen/Stavanger/Trondheim, Norway
Stockholm, Sweden
Copenhagen, Denmark
Berlin, Germany
Bangkok, Thailand
Availability from April to May 2016
Oslo – Bangkok: €105
23rd, 27th, 30th Apr
11th, 14th, 18th May
Stockholm – Bangkok: €108
8th, 22nd May
Copenhagen – Bangkok: €130
23rd, 30th Apr
7th, 14th, 21st, 28th May
Berlin – Bangkok: €145
27th Apr
11th May
Helsinki – Bangkok: €153
22nd May
Bergen – Bangkok: €169
23rd, 30th Apr
Stavanger – Bangkok: €172
27th, 30th Apr
11th, 18th May
Trondheim – Bangkok: €172
27th Apr
11th, 18th May
Norwegian Air Shuttle
Use Google Chrome to translate the Norwegian booking site.
Booking currency is in NOK: