PROMO CODE: Non-stop from Paris, France to New York, USA for only €174 roundtrip (& vice versa for $211)

Flight deals from Paris, France to New York, USA | Secret Flying
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Non-stop flights from Paris, France to New York, USA for only €174 roundtrip.

Also works in reverse (for $211 roundtrip).


Use promo code: LVBDAY for flights departing Paris, or TWO for flights departing New York


Paris, France


New York, USA


Paris, France


Availability from September 2019 to March 2020 (excluding Christmas/New Year)


The Level website conveniently allows you to view prices for the whole month so there is no need for a list of example dates from us.








Use Promo Code LVBDAY for flights departing Paris, or TWO for flights departing New York:


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New York