🔥 Shannon, Ireland to San Juan or Aguadilla, Puerto Rico from only €223 roundtrip (Mar dates)

Flight deals from Shannon, Ireland to San Juan or Aguadilla, Puerto Rico | Secret Flying
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Cheap flights from Shannon, Ireland to San Juan or Aguadilla, Puerto Rico from only €223 roundtrip with Aer Lingus and JetBlue.


Fly to:
San Juan: €223-€239
Aguadilla: €252


Shannon, Ireland


San Juan/Aguadilla, Puerto Rico


Shannon, Ireland


Availability in March 2022

Example dates:


Shannon – San Juan: €223-€239
13th-23rd Mar
14th-23rd Mar
15th-23rd Mar
22nd-29th Mar
22nd-30th Mar
22nd-31st Mar


Shannon – Aguadilla: €252
16th-28th Mar

and more…


Boston/New York


Aer Lingus




Cheap flights from Shannon, Ireland to San Juan or Aguadilla, Puerto Rico from only €223 roundtrip with Aer Lingus and JetBlue. Flight deal ticket image.

Find a hotel to go with your flight to
San Juan