Sofia, Bulgaria to Athens, Greece (& vice versa) for only €9 roundtrip (min 2 pax)

Flight deals from Sofia, Bulgaria to Athens, Greece | Secret Flying
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Non-stop flights from Sofia, Bulgaria to Athens, Greece for only €9 roundtrip.

Also works in reverse.


Please note, to get the advertised price you must book for a minimum of 2 passengers.


Sofia, Bulgaria


Athens, Greece


Sofia, Bulgaria


Availability from September to October 2018


The Ryanair website conveniently allows you to search each week with a single click so there is no need for a list of example dates from us.
However, do NOT purchase on the Ryanair website. Simply find the cheap dates, then purchase on the Kayak GO TO DEAL button below.
Kayak OTAs price these flights cheaper.






Allow the search to complete, then click an OTA to view the advertised price.
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