Many European cities to Dakar, Senegal from only €82 one-way

Flight deals from many European cities to Dakar, Senegal | Secret Flying
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Cheap flights from many European cities to Dakar, Senegal from only €82 one-way with TAP Portugal.


There are far too many routes for us to find example dates for.
Simply use Google Flights to find a working date, then click the GO TO DEAL button below and proceed to book with Skyscanner.


We have also placed this deal in the Africa deals section as the one-way route can be just as useful to Senegal residents.


Amsterdam, Netherlands
Vienna, Austria
Brussels, Belgium
Frankfurt/Cologne/Munich/Dusseldorf, Germany
Paris/Marseille, France
Rome/Milan/Bologna, Italy
Zurich/Geneva, Switzerland
London, UK


Dakar, Senegal


Availability from November 2018 to July 2019 (excluding Christmas/New Year)


There are far too many routes for us to find example dates for.
Simply use Google Flights to find a working date, then click the GO TO DEAL button below and proceed to book with Skyscanner.




TAP Portugal




Allow the search to complete, then click an OTA to view the advertised price.
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Booking currency is in GBP:


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